Monday, March 1, 2010

In the midst of transition

For over a year now God has been totally and completely rocking my world. Now, I'm the kind of person who needs structure. I don't mind being flexible, but when I have no boundaries at all I don't seem to do so well! (yikes :-0)

Little by little I have turned over my administrative duties to our associate pastor and I've been completely content with that part of the transition. The part that I have not been so content about is the "Now what?" part. It seems to me that God has been silent about the next step.

With that in mind you might be able to imagine my giddiness when yesterday at lunch with a friend I watched God crack the door to the next step ever so slightly. :)

NO, I'm not going to tell you what the next step is (because quite frankly I have no idea what it is)! What I do know is that even in my frustration of the unknown God gave me what I needed to know for the moment! I was beginning to wonder if I had lost my contentment. Today I can honestly say "No, I haven't." That in itself makes me content. :)

So, I will continue to live moment by moment knowing that God is doing His thing, whatever that is, and I will be ready to move when He says move. I am so thankful He loves me more than I can even begin to understand. :)

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